:::Geared to the Times, Anchored to the Rock! 与时代同步,扎根于磐石!

Prayer Digest: August 2020每月代祷事项: 2020年8月份

Hello everyone! Here is our Prayer Digest for August 2020. Keep us in your prayer always!
Thank you for your continuous support and may God bless you.

Download Prayer Digest August 2020 here: English | 中文

DayPrayer Items
01Jia Yun: Please pray for the personal evangelism team. Pray for God to lead us as we encourage Christians to continue evangelizing in the “new normal” we all face.
02Bee Bee: Thank God, 12 Christians participated in the online "follow-up training" we organized. Pray for God to lead and help them to put into practice what they have learned and carry out the Great Commission Jesus has given to every Christian.
03May Kuan: Thank God, the “Evangelism without Limit” personal evangelism campaign came to a fruitful end. Please pray for the follow-up work, asking God to move non-believing students to be willing to meet online or in-person.
04Yick Ken: My uncle went to the hospital some time ago because his heart had stopped beating. Thank God he was treated and is recovering but remains in a coma. Ask God to heal my uncle’s body and for a gentler disposition. I also pray that my family will have the opportunity to hear the gospel and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
05Wee Shyan: On August 8th we have been invited to hold an online creative evangelism workshop for CBMC Malaysia. Pray for God to help us teach the participants smoothly so that they can apply what they have learned in the workplace.
06Sy Wei: I have been experiencing a persistent pain in my left foot for quite a while. On July 21, I went to University Hospital for a follow-up visit. The doctor said that my feet may have nerve-related issues and that I require physical therapy. Please pray for me and ask God to heal me.
07Bee Bee: Please pray for Xiao Qi who has started her university course. She has become busy and is often stressed. Pray that she will be able to adapt to college life and arrange time for spiritual disciplines and maintain a good relationship with God. Pray that she can make new friends and build friendships and spread the gospel to her coursemates.
08Siew Nyok: Please pray for Sheng Hong, a Christian student I am discipling. Pray for the Lord to give him a heart that yearns for God's words and is willing to establish a close relationship with God that he may lead a submissive Christian life.
09Kok Siang: Wei Hong and Jie Yong have already returned to school. Thus, they are busy with homework and time to do other things grow scarce. Pray for the Lord to help them adapt to school life. Pray that as they take their studies seriously, they will also be intentional about walking with God and to rely on Him in everything.
10Shin Yi (JB Project Serve 2): Please pray for my follow-up student - Jing Han. He has already started work, so there is less and less time to meet up. Pray that God will give me wisdom to care for him as I help him know Jesus Christ more deeply.
11Mei Yann: Please pray for Yu Xian. His university has started. Pray for God to help him adapt to university life and that he may have the courage to share the gospel with his university friends.
12Hong Liang: I hope to recruit a video production team for YFC. Please pray for me as I look for interested volunteers and students to serve with me in this area.
13Nyet Lee: Please pray for the online evangelistic program "The Contagion" the English Ministry will run on August 15. We hope this event will mobilize Christian students from local school fellowships to invite their non-believing friends to participate. Pray for wisdom as I introduce this activity to school teachers and work with them to make this event successful. We hope to mobilize 20 Christian students to share the gospel with 20 non-believers.
14May Kuan: Please pray for the training that Pastor Rosen Roy will conduct with us on the Preacher’s Card (a magic card used for evangelism) on August 15. Pray for God to be with him as he teaches us another creative method to share the good news about Jesus. I also pray for the participating staff, volunteers and students, that God gives us energy and understanding to quickly learn to use this new method in our own evangelism.
15Siew Nyok: Sheng Hong is a 15-year-old Christian student. His father was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in July. His father is not a Christian, and this has caused Sheng Hong worry and anxiety. Pray for God to give him faith to pray to Jesus, and that his father will have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
16Jia Jun: Please pray for Wei Yuan, a 15-year-old Christian who has frequent moments of conflict with his non-Christian father. He wants his father to know that despite their differences, he still loves and respects him. Pray that God helps Wei Yuan honor his father so that they have a good father-son relationship.
17Kok Siang: Please pray for Hao Xian, a non-Christian student we (Hilary, Wei Hong and I) are following up. Currently, we are studying the Gospel of Mark to help him get to know Jesus better. Pray that the Lord will continue to work in his heart so that he can open his heart and accept Jesus Christ.
18Yi Xian (JB Volunteer): Please pray for me as I have 7 assignments and 1 exam due in August. Pray that I may arrange my time wisely to complete my assignments and prepare for my exam.
19Nyet Lee: Please pray for me and the primary school students of The Word Place ministry in our online reading sessions. Currently, another volunteer and I oversee 4 Standard 6 students. Every Thursday or Friday, we will read a storybook together online. Please pray for this reading programme, that God helps us build friendships with the students through this reading course that we may share Christ with them.
20Jia Jun: Please pray for the Christian student Wei Long who is Form 5 this year. Pray that his faith will be strengthened and that he will follow God’s way. Pray for his life goals after graduation this year. His current plan is to work rather than pursue further studies. Please pray for wisdom as he considers his future.
21Shin Yi (JB Project Serve 2): Please pray for the Christian student, Hui Lian. Thank God, she has a heart that yearns for him, and she is serious reading the Bible. As I accompany her in this journey, ask God to help her grow.
22Mei Yann: Please pray for Cai Xin, who will sit for her SPM exams this year. She is facing tremendous pressure because of schoolwork; at the same time, she serves in her church's youth fellowship. Pray that she learns to rely on God as she fulfils her various responsibilities and commitments.
23Yi Xian (JB Volunteer): Please pray for my brother Wei Lun, who graduated from high school last year. He started working this year to save money for university, but it has been difficult because of the epidemic. Please pray that he can find a job so that he can raise funds for further studies.
24Siew Nyok: Four months ago we started preaching and following up with students online. Now that school has resumed, the ministry needs to gradually resume its in-person approach. When I started doing physical contact work, I struggled and found myself lost at times. Pray for us as we discuss with staff, volunteers and Christian students in Malacca about the best way to continue our ministry in the “new normal”.
25Kok Siang: I’m thankful to God that resuming work in the office has allowed me to readjust my daily routine. I’ve found myself able to set aside quiet time before God, able to focus on work, and have more time to spend time with my children and wife. My wife and I are still adjusting our lifestyles. Pray that we might know how to build a family that loves God and loves others.
26Jia Yun: Please pray for Ying Shan, a new believer with whom I am following up. Thank God, that I’ve been able to meet up with her to read the Bible. Pray that Jing Yu and I can continue to walk with her and lead her into the life of fellowship with a local church.
27Wei Xian: Yu Xin and Aaron are the students that Alern and I disciple. They have made great progress and grow in their understanding of the Christian faith. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to make them hungry for God's word.
28Yick Ken: Please pray for Boon Kenn, a friend I haven't seen for a long time. Thank God that I caught up with recently and learned about his current situation. I also tried to share the gospel with him, but he still had objections about the Christian faith. Please pray for him, that God will enable him to understand his love, shown most clearly in the death of the Lord Jesus. Pray for me too, that in our friendship, I will reflect Christlikeness.
29May Kuan: Please pray for me as I prepare Bible study materials for this year’s "Project Serve 1" and a session on spiritual disciplines. Pray that I will be attentive to God’s words as I do this.
30Wee Shyan: Please pray for my personal spiritual life. Pray for God to give me strength to stay close to him and always remind myself that I am worshiping and serving God.
31Today is Malaysia's National Day. Together, we pray for gospel revival in our country. May Christians live out God's justice and mercy in their respective posts and cherish every opportunity to make Christ known.


下载2020年8月份代祷事项: English | 中文

08秀玉:我正在栽培一位基督徒学生 - 圣宏。求主给他一颗追求神的话的心,并愿意与上帝建立亲密的关系,使他过上顺服的基督徒生活。
10馨宜 (新山区委身与事奉2学生):为我栽培的学生—黄靖涵祷告。他已经开始工作,因此他能够上栽培的时间越来越少。求神让我能够有智慧能够去关心他的生命也能够帮助他继续认识耶稣基督。
13月丽:请为英文事工在8月15日举办的线上布道节目祷告- The Contagion。我们希望借此活动动员学校团契的基督徒学生邀请他们的非信徒朋友参加。祷告我有聪明智慧跟老师介绍这个活动并一起配搭筹办这个布道活动。我们希望可以动员20 位学生向20 位非信徒传福音。
14美君:请为林源龙传道将在8月15日给予我们宣道者牌 (一个用于传福音的魔术卡) 的布道训练祷告。求神给予讲员有智慧和口才晓得如何进行这线上布道训练。也为参与的同工、义工和学生们祷告,求神给予我们有智慧和精力来学习使用这宣道者牌去传福音。
15秀玉:圣宏是一位15岁的基督徒学生。上个星期,他的父亲被证实患上 “肺癌” 末期。圣宏的父亲不是基督徒,因此他很担心爸爸会离开他。求主也赐给他信心向主耶稣祷告,也祷告他父亲有机会听到并回应福音。
17国祥:请为我们(Hilary、威宏和我)在栽培的一位非基督徒学生 – 浩贤祷告。目前,我们正一起查考马可福音来帮助他更加认识耶稣。求主继续在他的心里动工,让他能够敞开心门来接受耶稣基督。
18伊娴 (新山区义工):请为我8月份要交7份作业和1个测验祷告。求神让我能够有智慧的去安排时间完成全部作业和预备测验。
19月丽:请为我与The Word Place 事工的小学生有线上阅读祷告。目前,我与另一位义工负责4 位六年级学生。每一个星期四或五,我们将在线上一起阅读故事书。请你为这个阅读课程祷告。求神帮助我们与学生透过这个阅读课程可以建立友谊,建立信任并有机会与他们布道。
20家骏:请为基督徒学生伟龙祷告,他今年form 5,求神坚定他的信仰,使他坚定跟随神。为他前面毕业后的方向祷告,目前他的计划是去工作。求神给他智慧去考虑自己的未来。
21馨宜 (新山区委身与事奉2学生):请为基督徒学生慧连祷告。感谢神,她有一颗渴慕神的心,也在计划着要如何灵修。求神帮助和带领她,也让我能够去陪伴及帮助她成长。
23伊娴 (新山区义工):请为我的弟弟 - 纬伦祷告。他去年中学毕业,今年本来打算去工作存钱再去读大学。但他因为疫情的关系而找不到工作。求神让他能够找到工作并且存到钱去读书。
24秀玉:四个月前我们开始在线上与学生进行布道和栽培。如今学校开学了,事工也需要渐渐恢复实体的方式。当我进行实体接触工作时,我就觉得很困难和不晓得如何做。求主帮助我与马六甲同工、义工和基督徒学生进行讨论,求主赐给聪明智慧执行实体的 “新常态” 事工 。
27伟贤:我和Alern所栽培的学生 - 予欣和Aaron都有着很大的进步和渐渐明白自己相信的信仰。求圣灵继续帮助他们,让他们更加渴慕上帝的话语。
28益建:请为我一位很久没有见面的朋友 - 本健祷告。感谢神,我在前些日子能与他见面并了解他的近况。过程中我也尝试与他分享信仰,但他还是选择保留自己的想法。请为他祷告,求神帮助他明白主耶稣的爱。也为我祷告,求神帮助我有智慧的去关系和帮助他认识神。
29美君:请为我预备“委身与事奉1 ”查经和灵修训练祷告,求神给予我智慧和聪明清楚按照神的心意预备教材和教导。